Welcome to ALWEC

Abundant Life Women Empowerment Centre

We are a group of visionary people, transformed by the love of God who want to be used by Him to reach out to others who are in vulnerable situations.

Our Course

In a world that is fast developing and becoming highly competitive, in a world where millions of people have the luxury to possess three smartphones, three cars, multiple houses, and possessions; at a time when many are flying their private jets and living from one hotel apartment to another, yet there are still billions of people around us, in the shadows of our mega-cities and the slums of many villages, some that we bypass every day whose fight and struggles are not to get a career promotion, nor to buy another car, or change their phones.

These people’s struggle is to be able to put food on the table once every day, be able to also send their children to school, and dream of one day having a befitting shelter of their own. Some of them because of the hardships  they go through are reduced to open and hidden prostitution, abuses in jobs such as house helps, forceful marriages, and so on. It is in an attempt to contribute to the many efforts of other organizations that Abundant Life Women Empowerment Centre was founded as a Hand of Hope that wishes to be that platform and medium that provides hope to the hopeless and empower dreamers to fulfill their dreams.

Skills Development

Vocational Training

Human Empowerment





Our History


Starting off

The organization started in 2015, with some little programs to help young girls know their rights, develop talents and build personal dignity. It gradually moved to touch women with marriage and family crises. Things got serious in 2018 when we saw the needs  in the society to help the destitutes and the impact we were creating in lives.



Interacting with these women and girls and with the socio-political situation in our country, added to the existing economic challenges, we came to realize around 2019 that the needs of these women are beyond the moral and psychological support and counseling that were offered. They needed courses on self-awareness, self-discovery, personal development, and entrepreneurship. They needed training on how to generate income and also become breadwinners for their families, and by extension contributors to a sustainable development of the society.


Phase two

Abundant Life Women Empowerment Center came to existence as a skill and capacity-building NGO that believes in giving an opportunity of hope to everyone by developing the skills and talents of the destitute and the vulnerable of society, especially women and girls. The Centre has the mandate to address the intellectual, emotional, technical, and financial needs of these focused groups in the realization of their dreams.


ALWEC organizes and carries out activities according to its objectives in the following departments as a women and girls’ empowerment association.

Economic  Empowerment

Training sessions for economic empowerment of the less privilege especially for women and girls

Skills Development

Training in fashion designing and tailoring, production of first necessities products such as liquid soap, detergents, lotions…


Coaching, mentoring and counselling

Social Reinsertions & Education

Social and emotional empowerment for women and girl, Children back to school Projects


Trainings on Leadership,Time Management, Personal Development; Self-Discovery, Entrepreneurship…

Community Outreach

Outreaches of sensitizations in neighbourhoods. Visits to Single Mothers and desperate youths


Workshops, seminars and conferences…


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